Samsara is the Buddhist word for the cycle of existence; meaning not only rebirth, but also describing the attempt of achieving happiness through materialistic goods (always aiming for more and for better circumstances). We think, we will be happier by serving our ego; we want to be better than others and highly regarded. These thoughts bind us to the Samsara. The first part of the piece is a theme of predetermined fate which is driven by emotions; the theme is trying to hold onto something constant which does not exist. The second part begins with a calm ostinato and a soft peaceful melody (like a meditation) - we find peace in ourselves through states of mind like love, compassion, patience and equanimity. Respecting all living beings and contemplating the dependent origination are central aspects. The emotions are under control and for the first time, real happiness from being free of desires and temper shows up, but later loses itself again through digression. The rest of the piece plays with the contrast of the two themes and ends with reminiscences of the inner peace. Samsara is the award-winning composition (1st prize) of the Advanced Category at the Stellar Composer Competition 2021. Supported by the Stellar Composer Competition 2021.